The Dow Jones Industrial Average gained 550.99 points, or 1.86%, to close at 30,185.82. The S&P 500 jumped 2.65% to 3,677.95. The tech heavy Nasdaq Composite surged 3.43% for its best day since July, finishing at 10,675.80.
Bank of America on Monday reported better-than-expected results, sending the stock higher in the stock up 6.1%.
Tech stocks got a boost Monday after gaming giant Roblox reported better-than-expected September bookings figures. Roblox soared 20% on that news.
The New York Fed’s Empire State manufacturing index fell for a third straight month, declining 8 points to negative-9.1, compared with expectations for a reading of negative-5.
The December crude oil contract was down 15 cents at US$85.46 per barrel.
The December gold contract was up US$3.12 at US$1,650.40 an ounce.
The yield on the 30-year treasury fell 47 basis points, or 0.47 percentage points.