Deranged and unhinged - InvestingChannel News

Deranged and unhinged

For 6 months I’ve been telling people that Trump is a lunatic, and my commenters keep insisting that I’m “deranged”, or “unhinged”, or off my meds.

If so, my condition is getting worse:

. . .  if Hillary Clinton defeats Trump in 2016, one of the Republican nominee’s former campaign advisers predicts there will be protests.

“I mean civil disobedience, not violence, but it will be a bloodbath,” Roger Stone told Breitbart News in a recent interview. “The government will be shut down if they attempt to steal this and swear Hillary in.”

Stone left Trump’s immediate orbit last year, but the veteran GOP consultant told Yahoo News last month that he keeps in touch with his former boss.

On Monday, Trump, who is currently trailing Clinton in national polls, told supporters at a rally in Ohio that the fix is coming.

“The election is going to be rigged,” he said.

So what does Trump consider to be a stolen election?  Perhaps something like 1960, with the controversies about voting irregularities in Texas and Illinois?  An election narrowly won by Kennedy.  Nope, it’s the 2012 election that was stolen. No, Obama did not easily beat Romney by millions of votes, it was all rigged:

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And then there’s reports  and more reports that he contemplating ending the US practice of no first use of nukes.

But no worries, the man us not a lunatic, it’s just that I’m deranged and unhinged. Obviously his advisors are patriots, and they’d warn us if Trump was becoming mentally unstable.

Oh wait .  .  . 

Donald Trump is getting “nuttier and nuttier,” according to those within the tycoon’s presidential campaign, who say they are increasingly frustrated by his outrageous comments and behavior.

The Republican candidate has been engaged in a prolonged war of words with Khizr and Ghazala Khan — whose son, a US Army officer, was killed in Iraq in 2004 — which many inside the presidential campaign see as, at the very least, a total distraction.

“I did not think he’d be great in a general election, and thought there’d be episodes of paranoia/irrationality, but this is surprising for me,” one Trump operative told The Post.

“Trump is getting nuttier and nuttier,” the person added.

Campaign chairman Paul Manafort and other staffers “feel like they are wasting their time,” CNN reported Wednesday. . . .

And CNBC’s John Harwood quoted a source as saying: “Manafort not challenging Trump anymore. Mailing it in. Staff suicidal.”

Nuttier and nuttier . . . paranoia . . . irrationality . . . staff suicidal . . . the world is laughing at us . . . first use of nukes . . . stolen elections . . . total sham and travesty . . . we are not a democracy . . . bloodbath . . .

I guess you Trumpistas were right; I’m just being hysterical.  What could go wrong with a 70 year old President who seems a bit . . . eccentric?

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By the way, military officers who control nuclear weapons must pass a battery of psychological tests.  How about the President?