Only 26% in Favor of Obama's Amnesty Plan for Illegal Immigrants, 62% Oppose, Rest Uncertain - InvestingChannel News

Only 26% in Favor of Obama’s Amnesty Plan for Illegal Immigrants, 62% Oppose, Rest Uncertain

On August 28-29, in a national survey of likely voters, Rasmussen asked Five Questions on Immigration Amnesty.

  1. How closely have you followed recent news reports about President Obama and illegal immigration?
  2. According to news reports, President Obama is considering granting amnesty to several million illegal immigrants without the approval of Congress. Do you favor or oppose the president granting such an amnesty?
  3. Does the president have the legal authority to grant amnesty to several million illegal immigrants without the approval of Congress?
  4. If the president does grant amnesty to these illegal immigrants, should Congress challenge that action in court?
  5. Which should come first – securing the border to prevent future illegal immigration or amnesty for some illegal immigrants now in this country?


Results show Voters Strongly Oppose Obama’s Amnesty Plan for Illegal Immigrants.

Obama’s Plan Approval

  • 62% of likely U.S. voters oppose the president granting amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants without the approval of Congress
  • 26% are in favor of Obama’s plan
  • 12% are undecided

Legal Authority to Act Without Congress

  • 24% think the president has the legal authority to grant amnesty to these illegal immigrants without Congress’ approval
  • 57% believe the president does not have the legal right to do so
  • 18% are undecided

If Obama Acts Without Congressional Approval

  • 55% of voters think Congress should challenge that action in court
  • 30% disagree
  • 14% are undecided

Which Should Come First

  • 67% think securing the border to prevent future illegal immigration should come before amnesty is granted for some illegal immigrants already in this country
  • 26% believe amnesty should come first

Voters disagree with Obama on every aspect of immigration, even to the point of asking for a Congressional challenge in court should the president act alone.

Will this stop Obama?

Nothing has yet. Will it be different this time?

Mike “Mish” Shedlock

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