I am pleased to announce the second annual Wine County Conference, to be held May 1st & 2nd, 2014.
We have an exciting lineup of speakers for this year’s conference.
- John Hussman: Founder of Hussman Funds, Director of the John P. Hussman Foundation which is dedicated to providing life-changing assistance through medical research
- Steen Jakobsen: Chief Economist of Saxo Bank
- Stephanie Pomboy: Founder of MacroMavens macroeconomic research
- David Stockman: Ronald Reagan’s budget director, best-selling author, former Managing Director of The Blackstone Group
- Mebane Faber: Co-founder and the Chief Investment Officer of Cambria Investment Management
- Jim Bruce: Producer, Director, and Writer of Money For Nothing: Inside the Federal Reserve
- Chris Martenson: Reknown speaker and founder of Peak Prosperity
- Mike “Mish” Shedlock: Investment advisor for Sitka Pacific and Founder of Mish’s Global Economic Trend Analysis
In addition, we expect confirmation from a number of other highly respected fund managers and speakers. This year’s event is two days and will include additional “break-out” groups.
For speaker bios, please check out Wine Country Conference Speakers.
Story Behind the Event
For the story behind the story, please see My Wife Joanne Has Passed Away; Stop and Smell the Lilacs. Following a raffle in 2012, I launched Wine Country Conference to raise additional money for medical research.
Last year’s event was a huge success, raising close to $500,000 (counting matching funds, the raffle, and other donations). Proceeds went for ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease) research and the Les Turner ALS foundation.
This Year’s Cause: Autism
$100,000 of the money raised last year came from a generous matching grant from the John P. Hussman Foundation.
Some of us in the industry who have done well are making an effort to give something back. John Hussman is at the very top of that list.
One of John’s kids has severe autism. This year, all net proceeds will go to support autism programs.
Conference Details
For further details about the 2014 conference, please see Wine Country Conference May 1st & 2nd, 2014
Nothing Like It!
This event is not just another “come and hear someone talk” kind of thing. Attendees and their significant others can expect an educational, fun, and relaxed time.
Last conference, we arranged wine tours. They were a big hit. We will do so again. One of the wine estates we visited had a Bocce Ball court. On a couple of miracle shots, I won both games I played.
Stay an extra day and golf or travel. I did. The conference hotel is a fun place in and of itself.
Unlike many other conferences, you will have easy access to speakers.
Want to chat with me, Steen, John, or anyone else at the conference? You will have an easy chance.
Not only do we have an excellent lineup of speakers, you will have an opportunity to meet with them, have intimate discussions on important investment topics, with a lot of fun on the side, including wine tours and great wine.
There’s nothing like it in the investment business. And your money goes to a great cause! What can be better?
Register Now for Discount
As was the case last year, we offer a $200 “early bird” discount through the end of December, for those who register early. Please Register Now!
Mike “Mish” Shedlock