This is an unofficial list of Problem Banks compiled only from public sources.
Here is the unofficial problem bank list for September 6, 2013.
Changes and comments from surferdude808:
Quiet week for changes to the Unofficial Problem Bank List with only three removals. After the changes, the list has 704 institutions with assets of $249.8 billion. A year ago, the list held 887 institutions with assets of $330.7 billion.
Actions were terminated against Midwest Independent Bank, Jefferson City, MO ($342 million) and Idaho First Bank, McCall, ID ($87 million) while The Foster Bank, Chicago, IL ($380 million) found a merger partner.
There is nothing new of significance to report on the status of banks controlled by Capitol Bancorp, Ltd. Next week will likely be as quiet as it will be too early for the OCC to release its actions through mid-August 2013.
CR Note: The first unofficial problem bank list was published in August 2009 with 389 institutions. Less than two years later the list peaked at 1,002 institutions. Now, more than two years after the peak, the list is down to 704 (the list increased faster than it is decreasing – but it is steadily decreasing as regulators terminate actions).