Can you imagine Pakistan as...? - InvestingChannel News

Can you imagine Pakistan as…?

Just listen to this and while you do,
knowing this was recorded in a studio in Pakistan, by Pakistani’s try
to jive that with “they hate us because…” and all that comment suggests.    Dave Brubeck’s Take Five

Here is the video about the orchestra.
They actually work with Abbey Road Studio. 1500 concerts, 17 albums
from the Pakistan studio.  They talk about the great jazz artist
traveling the world “to physically promote American culture”.  

Being that jazz, the true American art form,  is part of their culture, are we not bombing a part of our self?  Is such a performance not a testament to the benefit of cultural exchange via the arts to ours and the worlds economy?   Now, think of Bush and Cheney and try to jive the image with this performance.  Even jazz couldn’t do it.

I put this one in my favorites folder at youtube.  Hat tip on this performance to Real Economics.

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